Prices Updated


Credit Card Payments only

Evening Babysitting Service – 6pm to 1am
Evening maximum of four children over 16 months per Babysitting
Minimum booking of 3 hours
Groups Welcome

Ratio Breakdown First 3 hrs / Extension
One Family One Babysitter $40 per hour $120 / $30ph
Two Families One Babysitter $50 per hour $150 / $35ph
*up to 4 children
Two Families Two Babysitters $72 per hour $216 / $55ph
*up to 6 children $12 per child ph
Three Families Two Babysitters $88 per hour $264 / $65ph
*up to 8 children $11 per child ph
Group One Three Babysitters $110 per hour $330 / $80ph
*up to 10 children $11 per child ph
Group Two Three Babysitters $132 per hour $396 / $95ph
*up to 12 children $11 per child ph

Spontaneous and last minute booking are subject to availability on the day.
Evening bookings welcome until 1pm daily.
Evening extensions must be arranged directly with your allocated babysitter.

Daytime Babysitting Service – 7am to 5pm

Daytime maximum of four children over 16 months per Babysitter
Maximum of 2 children under 16 months per Babysitter
Groups Welcome

Ratio Breakdown First 4 Hours / Ext Any 8 hrs
One Child One Babysitter $40 per hour $160 / $30ph $264
Two Children One Babysitter $43 per hour $172 / $32ph $280
Three Children One Babysitter $45 per hour $180 / $35ph $296
Four Children One Babysitter $50 per hour $200 / $40ph $336
Group 1 Two Babysitters $80 per hour $320 / $65ph
*up to 8 children
Group 2 Two Babysitters $104 per hour $416 / $94ph
*up to 12 children

Spontaneous and last minute bookings are subject to availability on the day.

Daytime extensions must be arranged with Alpine Babysitting Management.

Bookings of 8 hour blocks can be split half-way to create a lunch break.

Bookings exceeding 8 hours cannot be extended.